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How to treat and Reduce Fever

 Fever as a symptom provides important information about the presence of illness---particularly infections---and about changes in the clinical status of the patient. The fever pattern, however, is of marginal value for most specific diagnoses except for the relapsing fever of malaria, borreliosis, and occasional cases of lymphoma, especially Hodgkin disease. Furthermore, the degree of temperature elevation does not necessarily correspond to the severity of the illness. In general, the fer-bile response tends to be greater in children than in adults.In older persons, neonates, and in persons receiving certain medications (eg, NSAIDs or corticosteroids), a normal temperature or even hypothermia may be observed. Markedly elevated body temperature may result in profound metabolic disturbance. High temperature during the first trimester of pregnancy may cause birth defects, such as encephalopathy. Fever increases insulin requirements and alters the metabolism and disposition of drugs used for the treatment of the diverse diseases associated with fever.


Most fever is well tolerated. When the temperature is > 40C, symptomatic treatment may be required. A reading over 41C is likely to be hypethermia and thus not cytokine mediated, and emergent management is indicated.